There are many warning signs of infidelity.
This list is not intended to cause paranoia but make you aware because some signs can hardly be overlooked. These are things you may notice that should signal you there is a problem.
- Working late more often, increase in business travel
- Change in appearance (sudden changes in style of dressing, especially underwear)
- Paying more attention to grooming
- Sexual activity increases or diminishes, intimacy may be cold/ without emotion
- Seems distracted, distant and detached.
- Finding fault/ critical of you and things that you say and do.
- Starting arguments
- Becoming impatient with the children.
- Spending more time alone in a home office or at the computer.
- Secretive about computer/on computer late at night or after you have gone to bed.
- Passwords computer and cell phone blocking your access to them.
- Protective of cell phone
- Steps outside to make or receive cell phone calls
- Backing away from extended family
- Stops wearing wedding ring.
- Hiding credit card bills (may redirect bills to an office or P. O. Box)
- Changes cell phone so that information cannot be obtained from the carrier
- Will not answer the phone in your presence, speaks in hushed tones/has guarded conversations.
- Missing articles of clothing (usually under garments)
- Washes clothes/laundry outside of normal routine